
One day prior to the Fourth of July, the author Wayne Herschel launched his new website 'The Key of Solomon' .
The launch of the website was well-timed. Herschel launched his new site in anticipation of the new book by Dan Brown that, according to him, will most likely deal with the secrets of freemasonry and the Key of Solomon. Although Dan Brown's book is already one year overdue, it remains to be seen what the title and subject of his undoubtedly next bestseller will be.
The authors of this website do not support the conclusions of Herschel's research and therefore propose an alternative interpretation of his work. We will be publishing much more related information and explore horizons that reach far beyond Herschel's research later, and this article is merely meant to be a stepping stone and foundation for future articles.
Earlier, Wicherink had reinterpreted Herschel's research in articles covering Stonehenge and the information released by the University of Bradford about the Scottish Rite Freemasons.
Herschel's website was also timely launched because the cornerstone of the Washington Memorial was laid on July 4th 1848. This memorial was built by the freemason founding fathers to commemorate George Washington, the first Master Mason to become President of the United States. According to Herschel, the Washington Memorial plays a key role in unraveling the secrets of freemasonry and the Key of Solomon.
On the Key of Solomon website, Wayne Herschel speculates about the greatest secret to be revealed, albeit in a fiction novel, by Dan Brown. Wayne’s work focuses on the discovery of a 'mystery star', which he states was encoded in many ancient monuments, by esoteric symbols, ancient mystic texts and other artifacts from the past. This 'mystery star' is a sun-like star (G2 class) of a solar system that, according to Wayne, is the home of an extraterrestrial civilization that came down from the Heavens in ancient past to bestow science and spiritual wisdom upon the Earthlings. They were the architects of the ancient monuments around the world that encode and conceal the origins of this extraterrestrial civilization that once visited the Earth by means of the 'mystery star'. Herschel offers that the Key of Solomon also supports his thesis of a 'mystery star.'
Both authors have been and still are great admirers of Wayne's initial research concerning the pyramids in Egypt, but as of late, Wicherink's research has revealed that the 'mystery star' in Herschel's theory may in fact actually mark the birthplace of the Sun in the Precession Cycle. It is this place in the Heavens where the Sun will reside on the Summer Solstice around 2012 marking a Great Celestial Conjunction
In short, the differences between Herschel and Wicherink's interpretation amount to this:
Wayne Herschel believes the ancient sites and artifacts encode a star, whereas Jan Wicherink believes that they encode a place on the ecliptic. This unique area is the birthplace of the Sun in the Precession Cycle. Here, the Sun is 'reborn' on the Galactic Equator at the solstices (Galactic Alignment). This is currently taking place in-between the years 1978-2017 at the Summer Solstice.
Wicherink has come to this conclusion by reinterpreting Herschel's work. He's had the opportunity to share his thoughts personally with Herschel in several e-mail conversations; however, his arguments have not convinced Wayne Herschel. Just recently, the author has come into contact with Wayne's friend and colleague Aaron Parlier who, after heavily researching the two theories, no longer supports Herschel's own mystery star explanation but shares Wicherink’s view and interpretation of Herschel's star maps.
Our joint research (Wicherink-Parlier) has proven to be very fruitful, and this article is our mutual reaction to the material released on Herschel's Key of Solomon website. We hope this article will bring about a sound scientific debate concerning the research results that have been gathered by both Wayne Herschel and said authors of this article.
Suffice to say, a g-spectrum star like our own sun is found where Herschel states. (although in some of the most recent star catalogues, there are discrepancies when compared to older data) This small fact, though interesting, does little to explain the literal volumes of other esoteric knowledge and symbology that does not support Wayne Herschel’s theory and that he has apparently conveniently ignored.
It is the authors' belief that the star maps and data to be presented overwhelmingly point to not only a place...but a time.
When the latter is taken into account, the evidence undoubtedly points to a special place in the heavens; a singular place and time where our own sun is re-born. It is the confusion between a 'mystery star' and our Sun and its crucial role in Precession that accounts for the main differences between the theories of Mr. Herschel and those proposed here by the authors.
Here are the issues and shortcomings in Herschel's theory that he refuses to accept and believes are of little to no significance to his star maps:
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Summer Solstice Pleiades-Sun alignment close up |
Herschel's star map |
Click here for Herschel's star map:
Using this principle, Wicherink has been able to demonstrate that the Winterbourne Stoke barrows at Stonehenge mimic the Pleiades, and are a way shower to the Summer Solstice Sun (on the Galactic Equator) by means of the angles between the stars in the Pleiades constellation and the Summer Solstice Sun. These conclusions are shared by Aaron Parlier who performed his own independent research and confirmed the latter suspicion of Wicherink that the Pleiades do indeed show the way to the solstice sun.
According to Herschel, the Egyptian Sun worship has been misunderstood by Egyptologists. Herschel suggests that the Egyptians did not worship the Sun of our own solar system, but instead venerated the ‘mystery star’ of the solar system of the extraterrestrial race that once visited the Earth. Taking into consideration that the ancient Egyptian monuments were more often than not aligned to the equinox or solstice of our own Sun contradicts Herschel’s claim that they venerated a Sun like star (G2 class) outside our own solar system.
In order to understand the remainder of this article it’s crucial to have a basic understanding of the Great Celestial Conjunction (Smelyakov-Wicherink 2006) that is occurring in between the years 1978-2017. For a full detailed scientific report read this article.
To understand this article it suffices to appreciate that the zodiac contains two crosses that, in the former mentioned span, will merge again after having been separated for the last 6480 years. This event marks Galactic Alignment, the Sun residing on the Galactic Equator of the Milky Way around 2012. This coincides with the ending of the Maya calendar on the Winter Solstice of 2012.
The first cross is formed by the orthogonal equinox-solstice axis and has been coined the 'Earth Cross.' The second cross is defined by the intersection of the Galactic Equator of the Milky Way and the ecliptic in the zodiac. This cross has been coined the 'Galactic Cross.'
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Left zodiac crosses around the year zero, to the right around the year 2012 (in between 1978-2017).
Due to the 'Precession of the Equinoxes', the Galactic and Earth Cross will merge once again after being separated for 6480 years. This marks the end of the 26.000 year Precession Cycle and the start of the next cycle, a new Age or new Sun according to the Maya prophecies. As can be viewed in the zodiac picture of 2012 above, around 2012 the solstice axis will merge with the Galactic Equator of the Milky Way. The Galactic Equator in the zodiac runs from 5° Gemini to 5° Sagittarius. In era-2012 (1978-2017), the Sun will reside in 5° Gemini at the crossing of the ecliptic and the Milky Way during the Summer Solstice and in 5° Sagittarius at the crossing of ecliptic and Milky Way at the Winter Solstice.
And herein lies the connection with Herschel's star maps; the Sun in 5o Gemini at the crossing of the ecliptic and the Milky Way marks the same place of his so-called 'mystery star.'
So the 'mystery star' venerated by the ancients is likely NOT as Herschel claims a G2 class star outside our solar system, bu
This interpretation is in-keeping with our current knowledge of ancient cultures and their sun-religions; The Egyptians' Sun-worshipping therefore concerns our very own Sun, a view shared by mainstream Egyptologists.
Notice that the two crosses prior to 2012 form an eight-pointed cross in the zodiac. Around 2012, both crosses will have merged to form a single four-pointed cross. The four and eight-pointed crosses are symbols that have not only been used by the Knights Templar, but can be found in abundance in Christian and religious symbolism around the world. Christ's cross therefore predates Christianity and originally represented the cross of the zodiac. As Wicherink has argued in all of his articles, the eight-pointed cross is a symbol of the Great Celestial Conjunction and this symbol has been used throughout the ages to denote this rare astrological event.
The eight pointed cross is also the key of the Key of Solomon!
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Templar Crosses